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Образование и ученые степени:
1983 | Доктор технических наук Диссертация: "Методы расчета нестационарных режимов работы РДТТ" |
1962 | Кандидат технических наук Диссертация: "Некоторые особенности рабочего процесса ГПВРД" |
1958–1961 | Аспирантура МФТИ |
1951–1957 | Московский физико-технический институт, аэромеханический факультет |
Научные интересы
- Моделирование турбулентных реагирующих течений
- Уравнения для плотности вероятности реагирующих компонентов
- Гипотезы, замыкающие уравнения Кармана-Ховарта и Корсина
- Прямое численное моделирование турбулентных течений
- Моделирование турбулентных реагирующих течений методом крупных вихрей (Large Eddy Simulations), прямое численное моделирование (DNS)
I. Pdf equation for turbulent flame
- The mathematical model of turbulent
combustion. // Труды Третьего Всероссийского Совещания по Теории Горения
M., 1960, pp. 122-125.
- The model of turbulent diffusion
flame.// Izv. Acad. of Sci. USSR, energy. and transport, 1973, No 6, pp.
108-116. (It was published in English//Fluid Res., Sov. Mech., 4,
pp. 124-130, 1975.)
- The model of premixed turbulent
flame.// In Proc. of the 4th USSR Symposium on combustion and explosion.
M., 1977, pp. 361-365.
- Analysis of joint pdf equation in
turbulent flow with density variations.(coauthors: V.M.Emelianov,
S.A.Nedoroob) // In Proceedings of 24 Symp. (Int.) on Combustion,
August 5-10 1992, Sydney, Pittsburgh, PA, pp. 435-442.
- Turbulent Diffusion Flame with a Mean
Streamwise Pressure Gradient (co-authors: M. Gorokhovski, Yu. Vladimirov).
Proceedings of the Zel'dovich Memorial. Int. Conference on Combustion,
Moscow, 12-17 Sept., 1994, pp. 247- 251.
- Micromixing models in the frame of two
concentrations PDF equation (co-authors: V.A.Kaminsky, A.B.Rabinovich). Statistical
properties of turbulent gaseous flames. Preprints of Euromech Colloquium
340, Delft, The Netherlands, August 30-September 1, 1995. pp2 . Abstrct
- Problems of turbulent combustion
simulation.//Advanced Computation & Analysis of Combustion. Ed. by
G.D.Roy, S.M.Frolov, P.Givi. ENAS Publisher. 1997, pp. 404-434.PDF-Paper
- The problems of stochastic description
of turbulent micromixing and combustion on the base of two-point
probability distribution functions. (coauthors: N.N.Ivenskikh, V.P.
Krasitskii)// Preprint of Inst. for Prob. in Mech. RAS, 2002, No 699.
- Зона реакции в турбулентной среде// Математическое моделирование. 2015. Т. 27.
II. Turbulent mixing modelling:
- Mathematical description of turbulent
combustion (co-authors: V.P.Krasitskii, M.L.Filimonov).// In Proceedings
of Moscow seminar on combustion theory. 1970 , pp. 7-17.
- Acceleration of the molecular transfer
processes in turbulent flows.//Dokl. Acad. Nauk SSSR., 1967, v.176, No
4, pp. 794- 796.
- Experimental researching of buoyancy
forces on turbulent microscale mixing.(co-author: V.M.Emelianov)//
Preprint of Inst. for Prob. in Mech. RAS, 1988, No351.
- Mixing processes description in
turbulent flows with density variations.//Preprint of Inst. for Prob. in
Mech. RAS, 1990, No 483.
- Pdf concentration and intermittency in
turbulent jets. (in cooperation with V.R.Kuznetzov// Izv. Acad. of Sci. USSR,
(ser. mech. gidk. i gasa), 1973, No2, pp. 58-64.
- Simulation of Turbulent flows with fast
chemistry reaction (co-authors: V.A.Kaminsky, A.Ya.Fedorov)//Theor. base
of Chemical Techn. (Russian). 1994, v.28, No 6, pp.591-599.
- Macrokinetical description of turbulent
flows with fast chemical reactions (co-authors: V.A.Kaminsky)//Journ. of
Physical Chemistry (Russian), No 12, 1995. pp8.
- Turbulent transfer modeling in flows
with chemical reaction (co-authors: Kaminsky V.A., Fedorov
A.Ya.)//Proceedings of 8 Conference on transfer processes in combustion,
San-Francisco, USA, July 15-20, 1995.љ
- Turbulent diffusion and microscale
mixing description for PDF equation for turbulent reacting flows
simulation(co-authors: A.Ya.Fedorov, V.A.Kaminsky)//5th Int. Conference
on numerical combustion. Germany, September 29-October 1, 1993.љ
- Acceleration of the molecular transfer
processes in turbulent flows.//Dokl. Acad. Nauk SSSR., 1967, v.176, No
4, pp. 794- 796.
- Modelling of micromixing in turbulent
combustion (co-authors: A.Ya.Fedorov, V.A.Kaminsky,
A.B.Rabinovich).//Advanced љComputation & Analysis of Combustion. Ed.
by G.D.Roy, S.M.Frolov, P.Givi. ENAS Publisher. 1997,љ pp. 360-370.
- The problems of stocastic description of
turbulent micromixing and combustion on the base of two-point
probability distribbution functions. (co-authors: Ivenskikh N.N.,
Krasitskii V. P.) Preprint of Inst. for Prob. in Mech. RAS, 2002, No
699. Preprint # 699
- Modelling of molecular mixing under
turbulent action based on two-point description (coauthors:
N.N.Ivenskikh, V.P. Krasitskii, D.O.Patrikeev)// Preprint of Inst. for
Prob. in Mech. RAS, 2002, No 709.љPreprint # 709
- PDF simulation of premixed combustion in
turbulent flows. (co-authors: V.Kaminsky, A.Rabinovich) // Workshop on
premixed turbulent combustion. Langevin center. Modana. France. February
5-10, 1995. WorkShop-paper
III. Hypotheses closing Karman-Howarth and Corrsin equations:
- Molecular transfer in turbulent flows. (co-author:
Krasitskii V. P.)// Fluid Dynamics. 2007. Т. 42. № 2. С. 190.
- Approximation of the third two-point moments of the velcity field in isotropic turbulence (coauthor:
Babenko V.A)// Fluid Dynamics. 2012. Т. 47. № 6. С. 735-747.
- Modelling of the turbulent reacting flows on the base of the equation for the scalar field correlation function. (co-author: Babenko V.A.) // International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2009. Т. 52. № 13-14. С. 3314-3319. WorkShop-paper
- Approximation of the two-point third moments of the velocity field in homogeneous turbulence. (co-authors: Babenko V.A.) // International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2012. Т. 55. № 9-10. С. 2676-2683.
IV. Abstracts:
1. Micromixing Algorithms for Turbulent Flows with Fast Chemical
Processes. (co-authors: V.A.Kaminsky, A.B.Rabinovich) Damkoler
V. Other fields of interest:
- About quenching of propellant
combustion under pressure reducing. //PMTF Journal of USSR.,1972, No 5,
pp. 113-118.
- The investigations of quench phenomena
for model with surface temperature variation. (co-author - V.Yumashev) //
PMTF Journal of USSR. 1973, No 3, pp. 92-98.
- Solid propellant combustion with
macro-scale fluctuations of flow velocity. (co-author - V.Matveiev and
V.Yumashev) // Fyz. gor. i vzryva, No 5, pp. 710-716, (1975).
- Quenching of propellant under pressure
reducing as being the process of instability. (co-author - V.Yumashev)//
Fyz. gor. i vzryva, 1976, No 4, pp. 548-555.
- The numerical method for plane
hypersonic flows with automatic extractions of discontinuity lines. (co-author
- A.Berland) // in "Numumerical methods in continuous media", 1972, 3,
No 3, pp. 3-12.
- Unsteady inner gravity waves. (in
cooperation with Yu.V.Vladimirov) Preprint of Inst. for Prob. in Mech. RAS,
1989, No 415.
- Some effects of density variations in
turbulent flows with pressure fluctuations. In book "Unsteady
Combustion", Kluwer Academic Publisher, Netherland, 1994. 10 pp.
(co-authors: A.Burluka, V.Meitlis).
- Decay of turbulence in fluid with
density fluctuations under the stable stratification(co-author:
V.M.Emelianov)//Preprints Fourth Int. Symposium on stratified flows,
vol. 2, Grenoble, France, June 29-July 2, 1994. p.6.љ