Yuri Rylov

Institute for Problems in Mechanics

Russian Academy of Sciences

101-1, Vernadskii Ave. Moscow 119526, Russia

email: rylov@ipmnet.ru

fax: 7(499) 7399531

Web site: {
mirror Web site: {http://www.ipmnet.ru/~rylov/yrylov.htm}.

Updated April 2, 2014

Field of interests : Theoretical Physics

  • Physical geometry, i.e. the science on the shape of geometrical objects and on mutual disposition of geometrical objects in space and space-time.
  • Deterministic space-time geometries with primordially stochastic motion of particles.
  • Model conception of quantum phenomena, founded on statistical description of stochastic world tubes.
  • Electromagnetic structures in astrophysics (pulsar magnetospheres)

Our strategy of the microcosm investigations distinguishes from the conventional strategy, which consists in looking for fruitful ideas and hypotheses. We do follow the Newton's slogan:


Hypotheses non fingo. (not to invent hypotheses)


Our investigation strategy is: to discover mistakes in foundation of the existing theory, to correct them, to remove all unwarranted hypotheses and to develop the coming to hand theory consistently.

Will not the supposition on mistakes be too self-confident? Maybe. But such a strategy, which is oriented only to cognition of the microcosm, is less self-confident, than the conventional strategy, oriented to creation of the microcosm.

The Newton's slogan is very actual, because, unfortunately, most researchers of microcosm cannot imagine that a perfect theory of microcosm can be something which is not a compensating conception.




A short review of main ideas of the presented papers which has been written in 1997.

A short review of main ideas written in 2014

List of comments and discussions

List of papers

List of anear scientific tales (in Russian)

Scientific diary (in Russian)

Free electronic book: T-geometry and its application to space-time model


This page tries to provide answers to the following simple but essential physical questions:

Why world lines of real particles are only timelike and null?

What is a particle? A pointlike object, a spherical membrane, or a string?

What is the vehicle of quantum properties? Quantum axiomatics? Dynamics? Anything else?

Are quantum laws primary, as the laws describing the space-time properties, or they are secondary and derivative with respect to primary physical laws, as the second law of thermodynamics?

Is the quantum constant h an attribute of the space-time?

What is an origin of quantum stochasticity? Is it a property of a matter? Or maybe, of the space-time?

If some space-time property (distortion of the space-time) is a reason for quantum effects, should one quantize the gravitational field?

Has the space-time distortion ( a special kind of the space-time deformation) a proper energy?


Updated June 12, 2003