Curriculum Vitae


Nataly A. Verezub (date of birth 11.10.1953)



Ph.D., Mechanics of Fluid, Gases and Plasma, Institute for Problems

in Mechanics, 1988

Diploma, Applied Mathematics, Moscow Institute of Aviation, 1977


Institute Dates Rank

Institute for Problems in Since 1993 Senior research scientist,

Mechanics, Russian Academy Co-investigator of Russian

of Sciences, Moscow Foundation for Basic Research

Institute "GIREDMET", 1992-1993 Senior research scientist

Moscow 1981-1992 Senior research engineer

1977-1981 Research engineer

Institute of Chemical 1996-1998 Senior research scientist,

Problems for Micro- Co-investigator for

electronics, Moscow MEMC- project

Institute of Chemical 1995-1997 Senior research scientist

Problems for Micro- Co-investigator for

electronics, Moscow RSA_NASA "TM-6"-project

"New Materials" Ltd., 1990-1994 Senior Research Associate

Moscow Co-investigator for

Carl Zeiss -project

Member of GAMM Since 1995