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Main publications

Page last updated: 22.10.2024.


Polyakova P.V., Murzaev R.T., Lisovenko D.S., Baimova J.A. Elastic constants of graphane, graphyne, and graphdiyne. Computational Materials Science. 2024. V. 244. P.113171. (Link)

Epishin A.I., Petrushin N.V., Svetlov I.I., Elyutin E.S., Lisovenko D.S. Compression and oxidation testing of Co-Al-W-Ta single-crystal specimens directionally solidified with a flat front. Mechanics of Solids. 2024. V.59. N 1. P.537-540. (Link)

Balueva A.V., Dashevskiy I.N., Kwiatkowski W., Lisovenko D.S. Chemical reaction and strength of tricalcium phosphate nano-coating application on dental implants by atomistic calculations. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 2024. V.127. P.640-654. (Link)


Volkov M.A., Gorodtsov V.A., Lisovenko D.S. Elastic properties of two-layered tubes from seven-constant tetragonal crystals. Mechanics of Solids. 2023. V.58. N 9. P.3102-3110.

Epishin A.I., Lisovenko D.S. Model for the pore formation during incipient melting of single-crystal nickel-based superalloys. Mechanics of Solids. 2023. V.58. N 6. P.2132-2143. (Link)

Lisovenko D.S., Epishin A.I. Anisotropy of residual stress energy in two-component plate crystal structures. Mechanics of Solids. 2023. V.58. N 6. P.2043-2057. (Link)

Epishin A.I., Lisovenko D.S. Comparison of isothermal and adiabatic elasticity characteristics of the single crystal nickel-based superalloy CMSX-4 in the temperature range between room temperature and 1300 C. Mechanics of Solids. 2023. V.58. N 5. P.1587-1598. (Link)

Ivanova S.Yu., Osipenko K.Yu., Demin A.I., Banichuk N.V., Lisovenko D.S. Studying the properties of metamaterials with a negative Poisson's ratio when punched by a rigid impactor. Mechanics of Solids, 2023, V.58, N 5, P.1536-1544. (Link)

Polyakova P.V., Galiakhmetova L.K., Murzaev R.T., Lisovenko D.S., Baimova J.A. Elastic properties of diamane. Letters on Materials. 2023. V.13. N 2. P.171-176. (Link)

Volkov M.A., Gorodtsov V.A., Lisovenko D.S. Variability of elastic properties of two-layered tubes from six-constant tetragonal crystals. Symmetry, 2023, V.15, N 3, P.685. (Link)

Ivanova S.Yu., Osipenko K.Yu., Kuznetsov V. A., Solovyov N.G., Banichuk N.V., Lisovenko D.S. Experimental investigation of the properties of auxetic and non-auxetic metamaterials made of metal during penetration of rigid strikers. Mechanics of Solids, 2023, V.58, N 2, P.524-528. (Link)

Demin A.I., Volkov M.A., Gorodtsov V.A., Lisovenko D.S. Auxetics among two-layered composites made of cubic crystals. Analytical and numerical analysis. Mechanics of Solids, 2023, V.58, N 1, P.140-152. (Link)


Epishin A.I., Lisovenko D.S. Influence of the crystal structure and type of interatomic bond on the elastic properties of monatomic and diatomic cubic crystals. Mechanics of Solids, 2022, V.57, N 6, P.1344-1358. (Link)


Gorodtsov V.A., Volkov M.A., Lisovenko D.S. Out-of-plane tension of thin two-layered plates of cubic crystals. Physica Status Solidi B, 2021, V.258, N 12, P.2100184. (Link)

Bryukhanov I.A., Volkov M.A., Gorodtsov V.A., Lisovenko D.S. Elastic properties of chiral metallic nanotubes rormed from cubic crystals. Physical Mesomechanics, 2021, V. 24, N 4, P.464-474. (Link)

Volkov M.A., Demin A.I., Gorodtsov V.A., Lisovenko D.S. Effective elastic properties variability for two-layered plates of hexagonal and cubic crystals under longitudinal tension. Composite Structure, 2021, V. 274, P. 114300. (Link)

Gorodtsov V.A., Lisovenko D.S. The extreme values of Young's modulus and the negative Poisson's ratios of rhombic crystals. Crystals, 2021, V.11, N 8, P. 863. (Link)

Karimov D.N., Lisovenko D.S., Ivanova A.G., Grebenev V.V., Popov P.A., Sizova N.L. Bridgman growth and physical properties anisotropy of CeF3 single crystals. Crystals, 2021, V.11, N 7, P. 793. (Link)

Volkov M.A., Gorodtsov V.A., Fadeev E.P., Lisovenko D.S. Stretching of chiral tubes obtained by rolling-up plates of cubic crystals with various orientations. Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, 2021, V.16, N 2, P. 139-157. (Link)

Gorodtsov V.A., Lisovenko D.S. Out-of-plane tension of thin two-layered plates of identically oriented hexagonal crystals. Physical Mesomechanics, 2021, V. 24, N 2, P.146-154. (Link)

Legon'kova O.A., Grigor'ev M.M., Vinokurova T.I., Marinova L.A., Zhao A.V., Lavrent'ev S.Yu., Chentsov A.V., Solov'ev N.G., Lisovenko D.S. The behavior of linear polyesters in model conditions of bile ducts. Polymer Science, Series D, 2021, V.14, N 1, P. 106-111. (Link)

Gorodtsov V.A., Tkachenko V.G., Lisovenko D.S. Extreme values of Young's modulus of tetragonal crystals. Mechanics of Materials, 2021, V.154, P. 103724. (Link)


Bryukhanov I.A., Gorodtsov V.A., Lisovenko D.S. Modeling of the mechanical properties of chiral metallic nanotubes. Physical Mesomechanics, 2020, V. 23, N 6, P.477-486. (Link)

Gorodtsov V.A., Lisovenko D.S. Auxetics among materials with cubic anisotropy. Mechanics of Solids, 2020, V.55, N 4, P.461-474. (Link)

Alexandrov S., Lisovenko D., Vilotic M. An upper bound solution for continued compression of a cylinder. Tehnicki Vjesnik, 2020, V. 27, N 2, P.627-632. (Link)

Rysaeva L.Kh., Korznikova E.A., Murzaev R.T., Abdullina D.U., Kudreyko A.A., Baimova J.A., Lisovenko D.S., Dmitriev S.V. Elastic damper based on the carbon nanotube bundle. Facta Universitatis. Series: Mechanical Engineering. 2020, V.18, N 1, P. 1-12. (Link)

Ustinov K.B., Massabo R., Lisovenko D.S. Orthotropic strip with central semi-infinite crack under arbitrary loads applied far apart from the crack tip. Analytical solution. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2020, V.110, P.104410. (Link)

Rysaeva L.Kh., Lisovenko D.S., Gorodtsov V.A., Baimova J.A. Stability, elastic properties and deformation behavior of graphene-based diamond-like phases. Computational Materials Science, 2020, V.172, P.109355. (Link)


Gorodtsov V.A., Lisovenko D.S., Ustinov K.B. Spherical inclusion in an elastic matrix in the presence of eigenstrain, taking into account the influence of the properties of the interface, considered as the limit of a layer of finite thickness. Mechanics of Solids, 2019, V.54, N 4, P.514-522. (Link)

Sizova N.L., Karimov D.N., Kosova T.B., Lisovenko D.S. Mechanical properties of СeF3 single crystals. Crystallography Reports, 2019, V.64, N 6, P.942-946. (Link)

Goldstein R.V., Gorodtsov V.A., Lisovenko D.S., Volkov M.A. Thin homogeneous two-layered plates of cubic crystals with different layer orientation. Physical Mesomechanics, 2019, V. 22, N 4, P.261-268. (Link)

Bryukhanov I.A., Gorodtsov V.A., Lisovenko D.S. Chiral Fe nanotubes with both negative Poisson's ratio and Poynting's effect. Atomistic simulation. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2019, V.31, N 47, P. 475304. (Link)

Rysaeva L.Kh., Baimova J.A., Dmitriev S.V., Lisovenko D.S., Gorodtsov V.A., Rudskoy A.I. Elastic properties of diamond-like phases based on carbon nanotubes. Diamond and Related Materials, 2019, V.97, P. 107411. (Link)

Volkov M.A., Gorodtsov V.A., Lisovenko D.S. Variability of elastic properties of chiral monoclinic tubes under extension and torsion. Letters on Materials, 2019, V.9, N 2, P.202-206. (Link)

Gorodtsov V.A., Lisovenko D.S. Extreme values of Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio of hexagonal crystals. Mechanics of Materials, 2019, V.134, P. 1-8. (Link)

Gorodtsov V.A., Lisovenko D.S. Tension of thin two-layered plates of hexagonal crystals. Composite Structure, 2019, V.209, P. 453-459. (Link)

Rysaeva L.Kh., Baimova J.A., Lisovenko D.S., Gorodtsov V.A., Dmitriev S.V. Elastic properties of fullerites and diamond-like phases. Physica Status Solidi B, 2019, V.256, N 1, P.1800049. (Link)


Muslov S.A., Lisovenko D.S., Lotkov A.I. Poisson's ratio of hard tissues of tooth. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2018, V. 2051, P.020206. (Link)

Rysaeva L.Kh., Klyavlina A.I., Galiachmetov F.Kh., Baimova J.A., Lisovenko D.S., Gorodtsov V.A. Variability of Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio of hexagonal crystals. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2018, V.447, P.012035. (Link)

Muslov S.A., Lisovenko D.S. Elastic anisotropy of dentin and enamel. Letters on Materials, 2018, V.8, N 3, P.288-293. (Link)

Novikova N.E., Lisovenko D.S., Sizova N.L. Peculiarities of the structure, moduli of elasticity, and Knoop indentation patterns of deformation and fracture of single crystals of potassium, rubidium, cesium, and ammonium hydrophthalates. Crystallography Reports, 2018, V.63, N 3, P.438-450. (Link)

Gorodtsov V.A., Lisovenko D.S., Lim T.-C. Three-layered plate exhibiting auxeticity based on stretching and bending modes. Composite Structure, 2018, V.194, P. 643-651. (Link)

Goldstein R.V., Gorodtsov V.A., Lisovenko D.S. Chiral elasticity of nano/microtubes from hexagonal crystals. Acta Mechanica, 2018, V.229, N 5, P.2189-2201. (Link)

Komarova M.A., Gorodtsov V.A., Lisovenko D.S. Variability of Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio of hexagonal crystals. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2018, V.347, P.012019. (Link)

Chentsov A.V., Lisovenko D.S. Experimental study of auxetic behavior of cellular structure. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2018, V.991, P.012017. (Link)

Karimov D.N., Lisovenko D.S., Sizova N.L., Sobolev B.P. Anisotropy of the mechanical properties of TbF3 crystals. Crystallography Reports, 2018, V.63, N 1, P.96-103. (Link)


Baimova J.A., Rysaeva L.Kh., Dmitriev S.V., Lisovenko D.S., Gorodtsov V.A., Indeitsev D.A. Auxetic behaviour of carbon nanostructures. Materials Physics and Mechanics, 2017, V.33, N 1, P.1-11. (Link)

Baimova J.A., Lisovenko D.S., Gorodtsov V.A., Murzaev R.T., Dmitriev S.V. Study of metallic nanotubes by method of molecular dynamics. Basic Problems of Material Science, 2017, V.14, N 4, P.496-501.

Goldstein R.V., Gorodtsov V.A., Lisovenko D.S., Volkov M.A. Two-layered tubes from cubic crystals: Auxetic tubes. Physica Status Solidi B, V.254, N 12, P.1600815. (Link)

Goldstein R.V., Lisovenko D.S., Chentsov A.V., Lavrentyev S.Yu. Experimental study of defects influence on auxetic behavior of cellular structure with curvilinear elements. Letters on Materials, 2017, V.7, N 4, P.355-358. (Link)

Goldstein R.V., Gorodtsov V.A., Komarova M.A., Lisovenko D.S. Extreme values of the shear modulus for hexagonal crystals. Scripta Materialia, 2017, V.140, P.55-58. (Link)

Goldstein R.V., Lisovenko D.S., Chentsov A.V., Lavrentyev S.Yu. Experimental study of auxetic behavior of re-entrant honeycomb with curvilinear elements. Letters on Materials, 2017, V.7, N 2, P.81-84. (Link)

Goldstein R.V., Gorodtsov V.A., Lisovenko D.S. Longitudinal elastic tension of two-layered plates from isotropic auxetics-nonauxetics and cubic crystals. European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, 2017, V.63, P.122-127. (Link)

Lisovenko D.S., Baimova J.A., Rysaeva L.Kh., Gorodtsov V.A., Dmitriev S.V. Equilibrium structures of carbon diamond-like clusters and their elastic properties. Physics of the Solid State, 2017, V.59, N 4, P.820-828. (Link)


Goldstein R.V., Gorodtsov V.A., Lisovenko D.S. Torsion of cylindrically anisotropic nano/microtubes of the cubic crystals obtained by rolling the crystal planes (011). Letters on Materials, 2016, V.6, N 4, P.249-252. (Link)

Goldstein R.V., Gorodtsov V.A., Lisovenko D.S. Torsion of cylindrically anisotropic nano/microtubes from seven-constant tetragonal crystals. Poynting's effect. Physical Mesomechanics, 2016, V.19, N 4, P.349-354. (Link)

Goldstein R.V., Gorodtsov V.A., Lisovenko D.S., Volkov M.A. Two-layer tubes from cubic crystals Doklady Physics, 2016, V.61, N 12, P.604-610. (Link)

Epishin A.I., Lisovenko D.S. Extreme values of Poisson's ratio of cubic crystals. Technical Physics, 2016, V.61, N 10, P.1516-1524. (Link)

Goldstein R.V., Gorodtsov V.A., Lisovenko D.S. Poynting's effect of cylindrically anisotropic nano/microtubes. Physical Mesomechanics, 2016, V.19, N 3, P.229-238. (Link)

Goldstein R.V., Gorodtsov V.A., Lisovenko D.S. The elastic properties of hexagonal auxetics under pressure. Physica Status Solidi B, 2016, V.253, N 7, P.1261-1269. (Link)

Lisovenko D.S., Baimova J.A., Rysaeva L.Kh., Gorodtsov V.A., Rudskoy A.I., Dmitriev S.V. Equilibrium diamond-like carbon nanostructures with cubic anisotropy: elastic properties. Physica Status Solidi B, 2016, V.253, N 7, P.1295-1302. (Link)

Goldstein R.V., Gorodtsov V.A., Lisovenko D.S., Volkov M.A. Mechanical characteristics for seven-constant rhombohedral crystals and their nano/microtubes. Letters on Materials, 2016, V.6, N 2, P.93-97. (Link, PDF)

Goldstein R.V., Gorodtsov V.A., Lisovenko D.S. Variability of Poisson's ratio for hexagonal crystals under pressure. Trudy MAI, 2016, V.87, P.1(22). (Link, In Russian, PDF)

Goldstein R.V., Gorodtsov V.A., Lisovenko D.S., Volkov M.A. Auxeticity in nano/microtubes produced from orthorhombic crystals. Smart Materials and Structures, 2016, V.25, N 5, P.054006(12). (Link)

Rysaeva L.Kh., Baimova J.A., Lisovenko D.S., Krylova K.A., Dmitriev S.V., Gorodtsov V.A. The elastic properties of fullerite. Basic Problems of Material Science, 2016, V.13, N 1, P.105-109. (Link) (In Russian)


Goldstein R.V., Gorodtsov V.A., Lisovenko D.S., Volkov M.A. Auxetics among 6-constant tetragonal crystals. Letters on Materials, 2015, V.5, N 4, P.409-413. (Link)

Goldstein R.V., Gorodtsov V.A., Lisovenko D.S. Linear Poynting's effect at torsion and extension of curvilinearly anisotropic tubes. Doklady Physics, 2015, V.60, N 9, P.396-399. (Link)

Goldstein R.V., Gorodtsov V.A., Lisovenko D.S. Young`s modulus and Poisson`s ratio for seven-constant tetragonal crystals and nano/microtubes. Physical Mesomechanics, 2015, V.18, N 3, P.213-222. (Link)

Goldstein R.V., Gorodtsov V.A., Lisovenko D.S., Volkov M.A. Negative Poisson's ratio for 6-constant tetragonal nano/microtubes. Physica Status Solidi B, 2015, V.252, N 7, P.1580-1586. (Link)


Goldstein R.V., Gorodtsov V.A., Lisovenko D.S., Rayleigh and Love surface waves in isotropic media with negative Poisson's ratio. Mechanics of Solids, 2014, V.49, N 4, P.422-434. (Link)

Goldstein R.V., Gorodtsov V.A., Lisovenko D.S., Volkov M.A. Negative Poisson's ratio for cubic crystals and nano/microtubes. Physical Mesomechanics, 2014, V.17, N 2, P.97-115. (Link)


Goldstein R.V., Gorodtsov V.A., Lisovenko D.S. Classification of cubic auxetics. Physica Status Solidi B, 2013, V.250, N 10, P.2038-2043. (Link)

Goldstein R.V., Gorodtsov V.A., Lisovenko D.S. Young's moduli and Poisson`s ratio of curvilinear anisotropic hexagonal and rhombohedral nanotubes. Nanotubes-auxetics. Doklady Physics, 2013, V.58, N 9, P.400-404. (Link)

Goldstein R.V., Gorodtsov V.A., Lisovenko D.S. Average Poisson's ratio for crystals. Hexagonal auxetics. Letters on Materials, 2013, V.3, N 1, P.7-11. (Link)


Goldstein R.V., Gorodtsov V.A., Lisovenko D.S. Relation of Poisson's ratio on average with Young's modulus. Auxetics on average. Doklady Physics, 2012, V.57, N 4, P.174-178. (Link)

Goldstein R.V., Gorodtsov V.A., Lisovenko D.S. Shear modulus of cubic crystals. Letters on Materials, 2012, V.2, N 1, P.21-24. (Link, PDF)


Goldstein R.V., Gorodtsov V.A., Lisovenko D.S. Variability of elastic properties of hexagonal auxetics. Doklady Physics, 2011, V.56, N 12, P.602-605. (Link)

Goldstein R.V., Gorodtsov V.A., Lisovenko D.S. Young`s modulus of cubic auxetics. Letters on Materials, 2011, V.1, N 3, P.127-132. (Link, in russian)

Goldstein R.V., Gorodtsov V.A., Lisovenko D.S. Cubic auxetics. Doklady Physics, 2011, V.56, N 7, P.399-402. (Link)

Lisovenko D.S. Abnormal values of Poisson`s ratio of anisotropic crystals. Deformation and Fracture of Materials, 2011, N 7, P.1-10. (Link, in russian)

Lisovenko D.S., Gorodtsov V.A. Cubic crystals with negative Poisson`s ratio (cubic auxetics). Vestnik of Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod, 2011, N 4(2), P.488-489. (Link, in russian)


Goldstein R.V., Gorodtsov V.A., Lisovenko D.S. To the description of multi-layered nanotubes in models of cylindrically anisotropic elasticity. Physical Mesomechanics, 2010, V.13, N 1-2, P.12-20. (Link)

Gorodtsov V.A., Lisovenko D.S. Poisson's ratio for anisotropic nanowhiskers. Izv.VUZov. Physics, 2010, V.53, N 3/2, P.61-66. (in russian)

Goldstein R.V., Gorodtsov V.A., Lisovenko D.S. Abnormal values of Poisson's ratio of nanoparticles. Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences. 2010, V.15, N.3, P.1177-1181. (Link, in russian)

Goldstein R.V., Gorodtsov V.A., Lisovenko D.S. Auxetic mechanics of crystalline materials. Mechanics of Solids, 2010, V.45, N 4, P.529-545. (Link)

Lisovenko D.S. The description of mechanical properties of carbon and non-carbon nanowhiskers ana nanotubes within the limits of the theory of elasticity of an anisotropic body. Abstract of a thesis, PhD. Moscow: Institute for Problems in Mechanics of RAS, 2010. P.1-27. (Link, in russian)


Goldstein R.V., Gorodtsov V.A., Lisovenko D.S. Mesomechanics of multiwall carbon nanotubes and nanowhiskers. Physical Mesomechanics, 2009, V.12, N 1-2, P.38-53. (Link, PDF, 260Kb)

Gorodtsov V.A., Lisovenko D.S. Carbon and non-carbon layered nanowhiskers. Engineering Physics, 2009, N 4, P.36-38. (Link, in russian)

Goldstein R.V., Gorodtsov V.A., Lisovenko D.S. About negativity of the Poisson's ratio for anisotropic materials. Doklady Physics, 2009, V.54, N 12, P.546-548. (Link)


Gorodtsov V.A., Gotlib V.A., Lisovenko D.S., Salganik R.L. Specific features of the strength of carbon whiskers. Technical Physics Letters. 2006, V.32, N 10, P.837-839. (Link)


Gorodtsov V.A., Lisovenko D.S. Variability of the elastic properties of multiwalled carbon nanotubes. Technical Physics Letters, 2005, V.31, N 1, P.18-20. (Link)

Gorodtsov V.A., Lisovenko D.S. Elastic properties of graphite rods and multiwalled carbon nanotubes (tortion and extension). Mechanics of Solids, 2005, V.40, N 4, P.33-44.


Contact information:
E-mail: lisovenk at ipmnet.ru
Web: http://www.ipmnet.ru/~lisovenk/
Mail address: Institute for Problems in Mechanics RAS, prospect Vernadskogo 101, b1, Moscow, 119526, Russia
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