Explanation of OPERA effect in skeleton conception of the elementary

particle dynamics

Yuri A. Rylov

Updated December 30, 2011

The OPERA experiment does not measure the neutrino velocity. It is an end effect conditioned by tubular character of the neutrino world chain (line). This world chain is a helix with timelike axis. On average this world chain looks as a timelike straight tube. Such a structure of the world chain is conditioned by a discrete space-time geometry, where elementary length is connected with the quantum constant. In the discrete space-time geometry there are no smooth world lines. The state of a particle is described by its skeleton (several space-time points connected rigidly). The particle evolution is described by world chains, which wobble. Statistical description of this wobbling is equivalent to quantum description. Pointlike tachyons are possible, but they are nonobservable. Composite tachyons (with

many-point skeleton) are observable in the form of fermions. 


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