Why does the Standard Model fail to explain the elementary particles


 Yuri A. Rylov

Institute for Problems in Mechanics, Russian Academy of Sciences
 101-1 ,Vernadskii Ave., Moscow, 119526, Russia
 email: rylov@ipmnet.ru
 Web site: http://rsfq1.physics.sunysb.edu/~rylov/yrylov.htm
or mirror Web site: http://www.ipmnet.ru/~rylov/yrylov.htm

Updated October 6, 2008


It is shown, that our contemporary knowledge of geometry is insufficient, because we know only axiomatizable geometries. With such a knowledge of geometry one cannot investigate properly physics of microcosm and structure of elementary particles. One can obtain only a phenomenological systematics of elementary particles, whose construction does not need a discrimination mechanism. The discrimination mechanism, responsible for discrete characteristics of elementary particles, can be created only on the basis of a granular (discrete and continuous simultaneously) space-time geometry.

There is text of the paper in English (pdf, ps) and in Russian (ps, pdf)