Dynamical methods of investigation in application to the Dirac

Yuri A. Rylov

Institute for Problems in Mechanics, Russian Academy of Sciences
 101-1 ,Vernadskii Ave., Moscow, 119526, Russia
 email: rylov@ipmnet.ru
 Web site: http://rsfq1.physics.sunysb.edu/~rylov/yrylov.htm
or mirror Web site: http://gas-dyn.ipmnet.ru/~rylov/yrylov.htm

Updated July 21, 2006


The Dirac particle S_D is investigated by means of dynamic methods, i.e. without a use of the principles of quantum mechanics. It is shown that the Pauli particle S_P and the nonrelativistic approximation S_nD of the Dirac particle S_D are different dynamic systems. S_D contains the high frequency degrees of freedom, which are absent in the dynamic system S_P. It means that the nonrelativistic Dirac particle S_nD is composite (i.e. it has internal degrees of freedom), whereas the Pauli particle S_P is a pointlike particle with the spin. In the absence of the electromagnetic field the world line of the classical Pauli particle S_Pcl  is a timelike straight, whereas that of the classical nonrelativistic Dirac particle S_nDcl is a helix. The characteristic frequency \Omega =2mc^{2}/\hbar $ of this
helix is the threshold frequency of the pair production. Using dynamic methods, one shows freely that the
Copenhagen interpretation, when the wave function is a specific quantum object describing the state of individual particle, is incompatible with the quantum mechanics formalism. Besides, it is shown that the momentum distribution in quantum mechanics is in reality the mean momentum distribution. Effectiveness of different investigation
strategies is discussed and compared.

There is text of the paper in English and in Russian

An attempt of this paper submission to a scientific journal was failed, because of two negative referee’s reports.  Objections of the referee and author’s comments to them are rather curious. This discussion shows, how difficult to overcome preconceptions and mistakes made by our  predecessors. The comments (in English) are presented.