Ishlinsky Institute for Problems in Mechanics RAS (IPMech RAS) Русский Русский
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MainStructureLaboratoriesLaser Discharges

Laboratory of Laser Discharges

Research Topics

  • Experimental and theoretical research of optical discharges.
    • Optical discharges sustained by far IR range lasers.
    • Optical discharges sustained by near IR range lasers.
    • Periodic-pulsed and combined optical discharges.
    • Research and development of prospective applications for optical discharges as a high brightness radiation source for creating high-enthalpy gas flows and high-energy neutral particle flows.
  • Developing physical basis and creating experimental specimen of powerful technological gas lasers.
    • Research of a non-independent glow discharge with a pulse capacitive ionization in a fast gas flow.
    • Research of plasma-chemical reactions in gas laser discharges. Development of effective catalysts for the gas mixture lifetime extension.
    • Developing optical resonators for powerful gas lasers.
    • Developing scientific basis and creating experimental specimen of technological gas laser control systems. Development of technological gas laser system work optimal algorithms.
    • Developing scientific basis of technological applications for powerful gas lasers.
  • Experimental and theoretical research of prospective methods for obtaining ozone in plasma-dynamic ozone generators.
  • Developing physical basis of polymer laser treatment, including those used in medicine and biology.
    • Development of methods for making biodegradable polymer objects with desired physical properties.
    • Optimization of methods for polymer laser treatment for achieving desired mechanical and physicochemical properties of objects.


optical discharge, non-selfsustained discharge, glow discharge, powerful technological lasers, polymer laser treatment, laser technologies, laser resonators, ozone generator, biodegradable polymers.


PersonalityDegreePositionRoomPhone (int)Phone (ext) 
Nikolay G. SolovyovD.Sc.Head of Laboratory123
+7 495 433 7611
+7 495 433 7677
Mikhail Yu. YakimovD.Sc.Leading Researcher25213-77+7 495 433
Gennady V. GembarzhevskiiPh.D.Senior Researcher11413-41 gvgemb
Mikhail A. KotovPh.D.Senior Researcher38014-76+7 495 434 2210kotov
Andrey N. ShemyakinPh.D.Senior Researcher12313-42+7 495 433
Sergey Yu. LavrentyevPh.D.Researcher12013-44+7 495 434 1592 
Vladislav N. Androsenko Junior Researcher25213-77+7 495 433 8218androsenko
Vladimir A. Kuznetsov Leading Engineer12013-44+7 495 434
Valery A. MasyukovPh.D.Leading Engineer14512-87+7 495 434
Yury L. Chizhov Leading Engineer14512-87+7 495 434 1602 
Irina V. Zikanova Engineer12013-44+7 495 434 1592 
Marina V. Torchick Engineer307  mari.torchick
Philip V. Filippov Engineer307  filippov
Irina O. Yudina  Engineer12014-57+7 495 434 1592