Laboratory of Mechanics of Natural Hazards
Research Topics
- Asymptotic methods for equations of mathematical physics and continuum mechanics. General approaches.
1.1. Semiclassical approximation, geometric asymptotics, and ray expansions.
1.2. Operator methods and adiabatic approximation.
1.3. Development of analytical-numerical algorithms based on 1.1 and 1.2 for describing propagating waves and vortices as well as bound states in linear and nonlinear inhomogeneous media.
- Asymptotic description of wave and vortex motions in hydrodynamics, magnetohydrodynamics, gas dynamics, and plasma physics.
- Asymptotic theory of propagation and run-up on the shore of long oceanic waves and of propagation of mesoscale vortices in atmosphere. Application to the description of phenomena related to nature hazards such as tsunami waves, typhoons and hurricanes, and glacier motion.
- Application of asymptotic and operator methods to evolution and stationary problems of quantum mechanics, physics of low-dimensional systems (nanonsystems), statistical physics, and thermodynamics.
asymptotic and operator methods, continuous media, catastrophic events, quantum and statistical mechanics.
Personality | Degree | Position | Room | Phone (int) | Phone (ext) | |
Sergey Dobrokhotov | D.Sc., Professor | Head of Laboratory | 382 | 13-52 | +7 495 434 3492 | dobr |
Vladimir Nazaikinskii | Corresponding Member of RAS | Principal Researcher | 401 | 12-06 | +7 495 434 3695 | nazay |
Andrey Shafarevich | Corresponding Member of RAS | Leading Researcher | 383 | 13-87 | +7 495 433 7544 | shafarev |
Hisam H. Ilyasov | Ph.D. | Senior Researcher | 302 | 12-62 | +7 495 434 2070 | ilyasov |
Dmitrii Minenkov | Ph.D. | Senior Researcher | 383 | 13-87 | +7 495 433 7544 | minenkov.ds |
Anton Tolchennikov | Ph.D. | Senior Researcher | 385 | 14-86 | +7 495 433 7544 | tolchennikovaa |
Anna Allilueva | Ph.D. | Researcher | 383 | 13-87 | +7 495 433 7544 | esina_anna |
Alexander Klevin | Ph.D. | Researcher | 385 | 14-86 | +7 495 433 7544 | klyovin |
Anna Tsvetkova | Ph.D. | Researcher | 383 | 13-87 | +7 495 433 7544 | annatsvetkova25 |
Anastasiya Zolotukhina | | Mathematician | 397 | 12-12 | +7 495 434 3352 | |
Tatiana Kruglova | | Mathematician | 383 | 13-87 | +7 495 433 7544 | krug |
Ekaterina Smirnova | | Mathematician | 385 | 14-86 | +7 495 433 7544 | |
Vladislav Rykhlov | | Mathematician | 385 | 14-86 | +7 495 433 7544 | |
Oleg Fedorov | | Mathematician | 385 | 14-86 | +7 495 433 7544 | |
Mariya Votiakova | | Engineer | 383 | 13-87 | +7 495 433 7544 | |
Olga Sudarikova | | Engineer | 383 | 13-87 | +7 495 433 7544 | |