Laboratory of Thermal Gas Dynamics and Combustion
Research Topics
- heat and mass transfer and fluid dynamics of complex reacting systems;
- gas dynamics of large-scale industrial accidents with fires and explosions;
- multiphase flows in heat-releasing porous media and oil reservoirs;
- ignition, combustion and gasification of solid dispersed fuels;
- development of theoretical models for combustion of composite propellants, including internal combustion in rocket engines;
- fluid dynamics of turbulent reacting flows;
- chemical fluid dynamics;
- development of exact methods of nonlinear mechanics and mathematical physics.
fluid dynamics, combustion, fires, explosions, multiphase flows, turbulence, nonlinear mechanics, exact methods
Personality | Degree | Position | Room | Phone (int) | Phone (ext) | |
Sergey Alexandrovich Rashkovskii | D.Sc. | Head of Laboratory | 322 | 14-01 | +7 495 434 3061 | rash |
Sergey Evgenievich Yakush | Corresponding Member of RAS | Director of the Institute, Principal Researcher
| 311 | 13-31 | +7 495 434 9525 | yakush |
Andrei Dmitrievich Polyanin | D.Sc., Professor | Principal Researcher | 366 | | +7 495 434 0195 | polyanin |
Elena Yaroslavovna Sysoeva | Ph.D. | Senior Researcher | 384 | 12-07 | +7 495 434 2159 | sysoeva |
Vsevolod Grigorievich Sorokin | Ph.D. | Researcher | 322 | 14-01 | +7 495 434 3061 | |
Nikita Sergeevich Sivakov | | Junior Researcher | 323 | 14-02 | +7 495 434 3061 | sivakov |
Vladislav Alexandrovich Usanov | | Junior Researcher | 323 | 14-02 | +7 495 434 3061 | usanov |
Artem Alexandrovich Loginov | | Engineer | 323 | 14-02 | +7 495 434 3061 | loginov.aa |